Get Transport Through Membranes: Carriers, Channels and Pumps: PDF

By A. Pullman,Joshua Jortner

ISBN-10: 9027728313

ISBN-13: 9789027728319

ISBN-10: 9401078823

ISBN-13: 9789401078825

The Symposium on "Transport via Membranes : providers. Channels and Pumps" Inaugurates the 3rd decade of the Jerusalem Symposia. It enlarges considerably their conceptual scope through Introducing a brand new topic no longer handled there formerly. actually. it's a subject quite well matched for the final item of those overseas conferences that is to reassemble In an exhaustive Interdisciplinary dialogue chemists. physicists and biologists. theoreticians and experimentalists. the most subject matter of the Symposium used to be the presentation and overview of the main updated facts at the structural and dynamic features of shipping via membranes in the 3 major pathways: via providers. channels and pumps. This aim used to be absolutely accomplished because of the participation of a most eminent meeting of world's specialists within the box. we want to thank Madame Pullman. the genuine organizer and mainspring of this assembly. for having composed a most enjoyable and perfect software and for sporting It out effectively. because the twenty previous ones this Symposium was once held below the auspices of the Israel Academy of Sciences and arts and the Hebrew college of Jerusalem. It used to be subsidized by means of the Instltut de Blologle Physlco­ Chimique. Fondatlon Edmond de Rothschild of Paris. we want to exhibit once more our gratitude to the Baron Edmond de Rothschild for his consistent and beneficiant help which makes this non-stop endeavour possible.

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Transport Through Membranes: Carriers, Channels and Pumps: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held ... Israel, May 16–19, 1988 (Jerusalem Symposia) by A. Pullman,Joshua Jortner

by Michael

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