By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784922803
ISBN-13: 9781784922801
Dit woordenboek bevat 256 onderwerpen zoals: basisconcepten, getallen, kleuren, maanden, seizoenen, meeteenheden, kleding en accessoires, eten & voeding, eating place, familieleden, verwanten, karakter, gevoelens, emoties, ziekten, stad, dorp, bezienswaardigheden, winkelen, geld, huis, thuis, kantoor, werken op kantoor, import & export, advertising and marketing, werk zoeken, recreation, onderwijs, machine, net, gereedschap, natuur, landen, nationaliteiten en meer ...
Bijzondere kenmerken van de woordenschat: de woorden zijn gerangschikt naar hun betekenis, niet volgens alfabet, de woorden worden weergegeven in drie kolommen om bestudering en zelftesten te vergemakkelijken, woorden in groepen worden verdeeld in kleine blokken om het leerproces te vergemakkelijken, de woordenschat biedt een handige en eenvoudige beschrijving van elk buitenlands woord
Deze T&P Books Woordenschat: Is aanbevolen als aanvulling bij iedere taalcursus; geschiktvoor de beginnende en gevorderde pupil; is handig voor dagelijks gebruik, bestudering en zelftesten.
Get Historical Dictionary of the Civil War (Historical PDF

By Terry L. Jones
ISBN-10: 0810878119
ISBN-13: 9780810878112
This up-to-date and increased two-volume moment version of the
Historical Dictionary of the Civil War relates the background of this warfare via a chronology, an introductory essay, an intensive bibliography, and thousands of cross-referenced dictionary entries on individuals, locations, occasions, associations, battles, and campaigns. This e-book is a wonderful entry aspect for college students, researchers, and somebody desirous to understand extra in regards to the Civil War.
New PDF release: Historical Dictionary of Nepal (Historical Dictionaries of

By Nanda R. Shrestha
ISBN-10: 1442277696
ISBN-13: 9781442277694
This moment variation of Historical Dictionary of Nepal contains a chronology, an advent, appendixes, and an intensive bibliography. The dictionary part has over seven-hundred cross-referenced entries on very important personalities, politics, economic system, international relatives, faith, and tradition. This ebook is a wonderful source for college students, researchers, and a person eager to be aware of extra approximately Nepal.
Download e-book for iPad: A Frequency Dictionary of Dutch: Core Vocabulary for by Carole Tiberius,Tanneke Schoonheim

By Carole Tiberius,Tanneke Schoonheim
ISBN-10: 0415523796
ISBN-13: 9780415523790
ISBN-10: 041552380X
ISBN-13: 9780415523806
ISBN-10: 0415820510
ISBN-13: 9780415820516
A Frequency Dictionary of Dutch is a precious device for all freshmen of Dutch, offering a listing of the 5,000 most often used phrases within the language. in line with a 290 million be aware corpus such as either written and spoken fabric from a variety of assets, this dictionary provides Dutch center vocabulary in an in depth and obviously prepared demeanour: all of the 5,000 entries comprises English equivalents and a pattern sentence displaying language in use.
Users can entry the head 5,000 phrases both in the course of the major frequency listings or an alphabetical index. during the frequency listings there are thematically prepared lists that includes the head phrases from various key issues comparable to animals, foodstuff and different components of day-by-day and cultural existence. phrases particular to Dutch in Belgium (Belgian Dutch) also are included.
An attractive and effective source, A Frequency Dictionary of Dutch will permit scholars of all degrees to get the main out in their study.
This booklet used to be ready in organization with the Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL, Institute of Dutch Lexicology).
A CD model is obtainable to buy individually. Designed to be used through corpus and computational linguists, it presents the total textual content in a layout that researchers can method and switch into appropriate lists for his or her personal examine purposes.
New PDF release: A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries: Volume III:

By Julie Coleman
ISBN-10: 0199549370
ISBN-13: 9780199549375
describes the origins of phrases and words and explores their heritage. through copious instance she exhibits how they solid gentle on way of life around the globe - from settlers in Canada and Australia and cockneys in London to gang-members in ny and infantrymen struggling with within the Boer and primary global Wars - as
well as at the operations of the narcotics exchange and the leisure company and the lives of these attending American faculties and British public schools.
The slang lexicographers have been a colorful bunch. these featured during this booklet contain spiritualists, aristocrats, socialists, newshounds, psychiatrists, school-boys, criminals, hoboes, law enforcement officials, and a serial bigamist. One supplied the foundation for Robert Lewis Stevenson's lengthy John Silver. one other used to be allegedly killed by means of a beef pie.
Julie Coleman's account will curiosity historians of language, crime, poverty, sexuality, and the legal underworld.
Get Tagalog Verb Dictionary PDF

By Michael Hawkins,Rhodalyne Gallo-Crail
ISBN-10: 087580652X
ISBN-13: 9780875806525
This convenient reference is a concise explanatory textual content and English-Tagalog / Tagalog-English verb consultant designed to handle and facilitate crucial element of Tagalog language learning—understanding and getting to know the complicated focal orientation of verbs. it really is prepared into an obtainable trend illustrating the first conjugations that identify point and actor/object concentration for every verb. those verbs are extra more advantageous via pattern sentences demonstrating their utilization and introducing universal cultural contexts for potent communique. as well as the verb consultant, this article additionally presents a brief historical past of Tagalog, an in depth rationalization of verbal functionality within the language, and a couple of novices’ tips meant to ease and expedite the educational process.
Taken jointly, those fabrics, besides a continual willingness to have interaction the language, will facilitate a brief and potent route to fluency. even if one is learning in the based surroundings of a school room or independently of their spare time, this e-book is designed to offer certain cognizance to the main serious points of Tagalog language studying. Tagalog Verb Dictionary’s orderly and simply available structure and neat measurement make it the right significant other for college kids, tourists, and somebody drawn to speedy fluency within the language.
New PDF release: 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook (21st Century

By Rhona C. Free
ISBN-10: 1412961424
ISBN-13: 9781412961424
Tackling those questions and encompassing research of conventional fiscal conception and themes in addition to those who economists have merely extra lately addressed, 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook is a must have reference resource.
Key Features
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Download e-book for kindle: The Folk Music Revival, 1958–1970: Biographies of Fifty by David Dicaire

By David Dicaire
ISBN-10: 078646352X
ISBN-13: 9780786463527
Download PDF by Bill Indge: Dictionary of Biology

By Bill Indge
ISBN-10: 1579581285
ISBN-13: 9781579581282
Vocabulário Português-Alemão - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Andrey Taranov PDF

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784008591
ISBN-13: 9781784008598
Esta edição revista (Português de Portugal, 03.2014) contém 256 tópicos, incluindo: Conceitos básicos, Números, Unidades de medida, Os verbos mais importantes, pace, Calendário, Dia e noite, Meses, Estações do Ano, Viagens, Turismo, Cidade, Compras, Roupas & Acessórios, Cosméticos, Telefone, Conversação telefónica, Línguas estrangeiras, Refeições, Restaurante, Membros da família, Corpo humano, Medicina, Mobiliário, Eletrodomésticos, Terra, pace, Catástrofes naturais, Fauna, Animais selvagens, Países do mundo, e muito mais ...
CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIAIS dos vocabulários bilingues da T&P Books: As palavras estão organizadas de acordo com o seu significado, e não por ordem alfabética. O conteúdo é apresentado em três colunas para facilitar os processos de revisão e auto-teste. Cada tema é composto por pequenos blocos de unidades léxicas similares. O vocabulário disponibiliza uma transcrição adequada e simples para cada palavra estrangeira.
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