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By William B. Coleman,Gregory J. Tsongalis

ISBN-10: 1934115185

ISBN-13: 9781934115183

This ebook covers the thoughts of molecular drugs and custom-made drugs. next chapters disguise the subjects of genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, and proteomics, because the instruments of molecular pathology and foundations of molecular drugs. those chapters are by means of a sequence of chapters that offer overviews of molecular medication as utilized widely to neoplastic, genetic, and infectious illnesses, in addition to a bankruptcy on molecular diagnostics. the amount concludes with a bankruptcy that delves into the promise of molecular medication within the customized remedy of sufferers with complicated ailments, in addition to a dialogue of the demanding situations and hindrances to personalised sufferer care.
The Molecular foundation of Human Cancer, moment variation, is a worthy source for oncologists, researchers, and all doctors who paintings with cancer.

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The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer by William B. Coleman,Gregory J. Tsongalis

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