By Hiesun Cecilia Suhr
ISBN-10: 0415749859
ISBN-13: 9780415749855
ISBN-10: 1138548928
ISBN-13: 9781138548923
Social media have dramatically popularized practices of evaluate, specially of cultural items and inventive expressions. The practices of "liking" and ranking any shared contents corresponding to song to blogs, movie, video clips, photos to art and performances are ubiquitous in today’s electronic environments. hence, inventive manufacturers are more and more constructing reputations and careers via a fancy mix of on-line social acceptance administration and distribution structures, and extra longstanding types of advertising channels evaluate. during this context, Online evaluate of Creativity and the humanities seeks to envision the newly rising types of evaluate, comparable to contests, competitions, score, commenting, liking, and score, that are happening in electronic environments. In doing so, this booklet investigates the factors and evaluation practices tied to the assessment of creativity and inventive works and extra questions what's at stake whilst electronic environments heighten the position of novice and peer feedback to the extent of specialist opinions. whereas exploring capability casual studying possibilities and delivering incisive evaluations at the rising norms and criteria of evaluate, the essays during this ebook conceal quite a lot of inventive and artistic practices.
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Online Evaluation of Creativity and the Arts (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture) by Hiesun Cecilia Suhr
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