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By Jane Batkin

ISBN-10: 1138849774

ISBN-13: 9781138849778

ISBN-10: 1138849782

ISBN-13: 9781138849785

Identity in Animation: A trip into Self, distinction, tradition and the physique uncovers the that means at the back of essentially the most influential characters within the historical past of animation and questions their designated experience of who they're and the way they're shaped.

Jane Batkin explores how id politics form the internal psychology of the nature and their external motivation, frequently buoyed alongside through their wondering of ‘place’ and ‘belonging’ and pushed through problems with self, distinction, gender and the physique. via this, Identity in Animation illustrates and questions the development of stereotypes in addition to unconventional representations inside of American, eu and jap animation. It does so with examples akin to the robust gender tropes of Japan’s Hayao Miyazaki, the unusual relationships created through Australian director Adam Elliot and Nick Park’s depiction of Britishness. additionally, this ebook discusses Betty Boop’s sexuality and supreme repression, Warner Bros’ anarchic, self-aware characters and Disney’s attention-grabbing illustration of self and society.

Identity in Animation is a fantastic e-book for college students and researchers of animation experiences, in addition to any media and movie stories scholars taking modules on animation as a part of their course.

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Identity in Animation: A Journey into Self, Difference, Culture and the Body by Jane Batkin

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