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By Kyung-Man Kim

ISBN-10: 1594511276

ISBN-13: 9781594511271

ISBN-10: 1594511284

ISBN-13: 9781594511288

"Kyung-Man Kim bargains a entire stock of the hindrances the main robust and influential thinkers of our time attempted to beat, the questions they requested with out discovering reliable solutions, and the questions they have missed or shunned. not anyone fascinated about the moral influence of information and the position it will possibly play in profitable the case of human freedom can overlook Kyung-Man Kim's analysis." -Zygmut Bauman "This is a robust e-book, compelling for each reader who desires to know the way present sociological concept can be utilized to alter, not only interpret, the social global. Kyung-man Kim bargains masterful readings of the most theoretical formations of the final century." -Norman okay. Denzin, collage of Illinois "A lucid exposition and critique of Bourdieu, Giddens, and Habermas, and of the phenomenological ethnographies of Garfinkel and the ethnomethodologists who supplied their start line. Kim, who has honed his abilities in his acute contributions to the hyper-reflexive sociology of medical wisdom, now effectively takes at the gigantic video game of the emancipatory concept global. -Randall Collins, collage of Pennsylvania What binds the theoretical paintings of Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, and Jurgen Habermas? even though those and different modern theorists provided significant reviews of society, they stopped in need of believable proposals to accomplish the liberation of people and societies. Kyung-Man Kim deals a brand new studying of latest serious theorists and explains how, through analyzing them jointly, we may possibly discover a sensible foundation for innovative social change.

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Discourses on Liberation: An Anatomy of Critical Theory (Great Barrington Books) by Kyung-Man Kim

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