By Abraham Kuyper
ISBN-10: 3337225438
ISBN-13: 9783337225438
Download e-book for iPad: Dictionary of Real Estate Terms, 9th edition (Barron's by Jack P Friedman,Jack C. Harris,J. Bruce Lindeman

By Jack P Friedman,Jack C. Harris,J. Bruce Lindeman
ISBN-10: 1438008767
ISBN-13: 9781438008769
New PDF release: Vocabulário Português-Dinamarquês - 7000 palavras mais úteis

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784008842
ISBN-13: 9781784008840
Esta edição revista (Português de Portugal, 03.2014) contém 198 tópicos, incluindo: Conceitos básicos, Números, Unidades de medida, Os verbos mais importantes, pace, Calendário, Dia e noite, Meses, Estações do Ano, Viagens, Turismo, Cidade, Compras, Roupas & Acessórios, Cosméticos, Telefone, Conversação telefónica, Línguas estrangeiras, Refeições, Restaurante, Membros da família, Corpo humano, Medicina, Mobiliário, Eletrodomésticos, Terra, pace, Catástrofes naturais, Fauna, Animais selvagens, Países do mundo, e muito mais ...
CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIAIS dos vocabulários bilingues da T&P Books: As palavras estão organizadas de acordo com o seu significado, e não por ordem alfabética. O conteúdo é apresentado em três colunas para facilitar os processos de revisão e auto-teste. Cada tema é composto por pequenos blocos de unidades léxicas similares. O vocabulário disponibiliza uma transcrição adequada e simples para cada palavra estrangeira.
CASO TENHA alguma dúvida, sugestão ou comentário, por desire entre em contacto connosco: admin@tpbooks.com.
Download e-book for kindle: Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Noors - 9000 woorden by Andrey Taranov

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784922811
ISBN-13: 9781784922818
Dit woordenboek bevat 256 onderwerpen zoals: basisconcepten, getallen, kleuren, maanden, seizoenen, meeteenheden, kleding en accessoires, eten & voeding, eating place, familieleden, verwanten, karakter, gevoelens, emoties, ziekten, stad, dorp, bezienswaardigheden, winkelen, geld, huis, thuis, kantoor, werken op kantoor, import & export, advertising and marketing, werk zoeken, activity, onderwijs, computing device, web, gereedschap, natuur, landen, nationaliteiten en meer ...
Bijzondere kenmerken van de woordenschat: de woorden zijn gerangschikt naar hun betekenis, niet volgens alfabet, de woorden worden weergegeven in drie kolommen om bestudering en zelftesten te vergemakkelijken, woorden in groepen worden verdeeld in kleine blokken om het leerproces te vergemakkelijken, de woordenschat biedt een handige en eenvoudige beschrijving van elk buitenlands woord
Deze T&P Books Woordenschat: Is aanbevolen als aanvulling bij iedere taalcursus; geschiktvoor de beginnende en gevorderde scholar; is handig voor dagelijks gebruik, bestudering en zelftesten.
Bruce L. McCormack's Karl Barth's Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology: Its PDF

By Bruce L. McCormack
ISBN-10: 0198263376
ISBN-13: 9780198263371
ISBN-10: 0198269560
ISBN-13: 9780198269564
Download PDF by Jens-Uwe Wunderlich,Meera Warrier: A Dictionary of Globalization

By Jens-Uwe Wunderlich,Meera Warrier
ISBN-10: 1857433327
ISBN-13: 9781857433326
ISBN-10: 1857435184
ISBN-13: 9781857435184
Globalization has turn into some of the most vital subject matters inside of politics and economics. This new identify explains a number of the similar terminology, summarizes the encompassing theories and examines the foreign corporations involved.
With the proliferation of communications and the increase of the multi-national company, the idea that of globalization is very important to the trendy political atmosphere. The constitution of the trendy economic system, in line with info construction and diffusion, has made nationwide limitations principally inappropriate.
A Dictionary of Globalization explains theories, philosophies and ideologies, and comprises brief biographies of major activists, theorists and thinkers reminiscent of Noam Chomsky, Karl Marx and José Bové. innovations, matters and phrases key to the knowledge of globalization even have transparent and concise definitions, together with democracy, civil society, non-governmental firms and ethnicity.
Cross-referenced for ease of use, this title aims to be of serious gain to a person learning politics or sociology. it is going to turn out necessary to public and educational libraries, in addition to to companies, govt departments, embassies and journalists.
Get Dictionary of Existentialism PDF

By Haim Gordon
ISBN-10: 1579581676
ISBN-13: 9781579581671
New PDF release: Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Communist Party

By Lawrence R. Sullivan
ISBN-10: 0810872250
ISBN-13: 9780810872257
In fresh years, intellectuals and occasion contributors were given expanding leeway to specific their critiques, and Lawrence R. Sullivan takes benefit of this new learn to supply a accomplished background of 1 of the world's such a lot interesting political routine. The
Historical Dictionary of the chinese language Communist Party features a chronology, an introductory essay, an appendix, an intensive bibliography, and greater than four hundred cross-reference dictionary entries on key humans, areas, and associations. This publication is a wonderful entry element for college kids, researchers, and someone desirous to recognize extra in regards to the chinese language Communist Party.
Download e-book for kindle: Historical Dictionary of Peru (Historical Dictionaries of by Peter F. Klarén

By Peter F. Klarén
ISBN-10: 1538106671
ISBN-13: 9781538106679
The Historical Dictionary of Peru contains a chronology, an advent, appendixes, and an intensive bibliography. The dictionary part has over seven hundred cross-referenced entries on vital personalities, politics, economic system, overseas family, faith, and tradition.
Read e-book online Pronunciation in EFL Instruction: A Research-Based Approach PDF

By Jolanta Szpyra-Kozlowska
ISBN-10: 1783092602
ISBN-13: 9781783092604
ISBN-10: 1783092610
ISBN-13: 9781783092611
In view of modern debates at the worldwide unfold of English and its overseas lingua franca function, what pronunciation types are applicable for thousands of EFL newbies? Which features of English phonetics can be taught to overseas scholars and which are missed with little loss to profitable verbal exchange? How can English pronunciation learn in a fascinating and powerful manner that's either learner- and teacher-friendly, in response to the most recent scholarly and technological achievements? This research-based booklet addresses those and plenty of different primary matters which are at the moment on the centre of pronunciation instructing. It deals a wealth of recent theoretical principles and useful strategies to numerous phonodidactic difficulties that come up in EFL contexts, drawing close pronunciation guide from international and native views and assisting its theoretical claims with wide empirical proof. it is going to be of curiosity to EFL lecturers and instructor running shoes, pronunciation experts and scholars of utilized linguistics.