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By Haim Gordon

ISBN-10: 1579581676

ISBN-13: 9781579581671

Existentialism, as a philosophy, won prominence after global struggle II. rather than focusing upon a selected element of human life, existentialists argued that our concentration needs to be upon the complete being as he/she exists on the earth. Rebelling opposed to the rationalism of such philosophers as Descartes and Hegel, existentialists reject the emphasis put on guy as essentially a considering being. Freedom is relevant to human lifestyles, and human kinfolk and encounters can't be decreased just to "thinking." This Dictionary provides--through alphabetically prepared entries--overviews of a number of the tenets, philosophers, and writers of existentialism, and of these writers/philosophers who, looking back, appear to existentialists to espouse their philosophy: Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Dostoyevski, et al.

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Dictionary of Existentialism by Haim Gordon

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