By Elke Hentschel
ISBN-10: 3110185601
ISBN-13: 9783110185607
Download e-book for iPad: Thematische woordenschat Nederlands-Zweeds - 7000 woorden by Andrey Taranov

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784923303
ISBN-13: 9781784923303
Dit woordenboek bevat 178 onderwerpen zoals: basisconcepten, getallen, kleuren, maanden, seizoenen, meeteenheden, kleding en accessoires, eten & voeding, eating place, familieleden, verwanten, karakter, gevoelens, emoties, ziekten, stad, dorp, bezienswaardigheden, winkelen, geld, huis, thuis, kantoor, werken op kantoor, import & export, advertising and marketing, werk zoeken, activity, onderwijs, computing device, net, gereedschap, natuur, landen, nationaliteiten en meer ...
Bijzondere kenmerken van de woordenschat: de woorden zijn gerangschikt naar hun betekenis, niet volgens alfabet, de woorden worden weergegeven in drie kolommen om bestudering en zelftesten te vergemakkelijken, woorden in groepen worden verdeeld in kleine blokken om het leerproces te vergemakkelijken, de woordenschat biedt een handige en eenvoudige beschrijving van elk buitenlands woord
Deze T&P Books Woordenschat: Is aanbevolen als aanvulling bij iedere taalcursus; geschiktvoor de beginnende en gevorderde scholar; is handig voor dagelijks gebruik, bestudering en zelftesten.
Get Vocabulário Português-Norueguês - 7000 palavras mais úteis PDF

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784920320
ISBN-13: 9781784920326
Esta edição revista (Português de Portugal, 09.2014) contém 198 tópicos, incluindo: Conceitos básicos, Números, Unidades de medida, Os verbos mais importantes, pace, Calendário, Dia e noite, Meses, Estações do Ano, Viagens, Turismo, Cidade, Compras, Roupas & Acessórios, Cosméticos, Telefone, Conversação telefónica, Línguas estrangeiras, Refeições, Restaurante, Membros da família, Corpo humano, Medicina, Mobiliário, Eletrodomésticos, Terra, pace, Catástrofes naturais, Fauna, Animais selvagens, Países do mundo, e muito mais ...
CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIAIS dos vocabulários bilingues da T&P Books: As palavras estão organizadas de acordo com o seu significado, e não por ordem alfabética. O conteúdo é apresentado em três colunas para facilitar os processos de revisão e auto-teste. Cada tema é composto por pequenos blocos de unidades léxicas similares. O vocabulário disponibiliza uma transcrição adequada e simples para cada palavra estrangeira.
CASO TENHA alguma dúvida, sugestão ou comentário, por desire entre em contacto connosco: admin@tpbooks.com.
Wiley's English-Spanish Spanish-English Chemistry Dictionary by Steven M. Kaplan PDF

By Steven M. Kaplan
ISBN-10: 1118237978
ISBN-13: 9781118237977
This Dictionary presents over 75,000 entries overlaying all parts of chemistry, akin to Chemical Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Nanochemistry, plus appropriate phrases in comparable spheres of expertise. with a view to arrange this moment variation, the 1st version was once thoroughly revised, and over 35,000 new phrases have been additional. This new version will remain the Dictionary that chemists, educators, scholars, translators, and people operating in English and Spanish in chemistry and linked fields were trusting because the First version was once released in 1998.

ISBN-10: 9350571420
ISBN-13: 9789350571422
'Words or phrases' were serialized in alphabetical order, i.e., A-Z for ease in making searches. To the level attainable, phrases utilized in universal parlance have merely been incorporated, fending off much less widespread ones.
In the Appendices part, physique components, universal illnesses, clothing, cereals, fruit & greens, herbs & spices, home items and different worthy info were incorporated for extra software.
This dictionary may be discovered precious via pupil neighborhood in addition to others reminiscent of, educationists, writers, translators, aspirants of aggressive exams.
Download e-book for kindle: A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries: Volume II: by Julie Coleman

By Julie Coleman
ISBN-10: 0199254702
ISBN-13: 9780199254705
During this era glossaries of cant have been thrown into the colour via dictionaries of slang, which now lined a huge spectrum of non-standard English, together with the language of thieves. Julie Coleman indicates how Francis Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue revolutionized the lexicography of the underworld. She explores the compilation and content material of the earliest Australian and American slang glossaries, whose authors integrated the thrice-transported James Hardy Vaux and the mythical George Matsell, ny City's first leader of police, whose The mystery Language of Crime: The Rogue's Lexicon knowledgeable the script of Martin Scorcese's movie Gangs of recent York.
Cant represented a tangible threat to lifestyles and estate, yet slang threatened to undermine sturdy behaviour and social morality. Julie Coleman indicates how and why they have been without delay repellent and seductive. Her attention-grabbing account casts clean gentle on language and existence in many of the darker areas of significant Britain and the English-speaking world.
Concise Dictionary Of Chemistry - download pdf or read online

By V&S Publishers' Editorial Board
ISBN-10: 9381588627
ISBN-13: 9789381588628
We see software of technological know-how far and wide. no matter if we're acutely aware or now not, technology program performs an immense half in our day-by-day lives. when you are analyzing this web page, a massive component of optical technological know-how is in use. electrical energy, for instance, is without doubt one of the most crucial technology discoveries ever made. As we stroll within the public, we see virtually all people wearing a cell phone. this is often an program of electronics & communications know-how. to stay fit, we use drugs, that's a specialized type of biology. it's only the data of technology which permits us to appreciate the lifestyles methods round us.
V&S Publishers has introduced for you dictionaries of phrases in technological know-how, physics, chemistry and biology to make technological know-how less complicated for you. The phrases were prepared alphabetically for fast reference. appropriate factors of phrases that experience come into public area lately additionally locate point out. the normal of clarification has been saved at a degree of knowing anticipated from a typical secondary and senior secondary scholar. Illustrations and examples, at acceptable areas, were given. Readers who've now not made a different learn of any technological know-how topic can have even be capable of clutch the definitions. vital clinical charts, tables, constants, conversion tables, etc., were incorporated as appendices to make this dictionary extra beneficial. A word list of Nobel Prize winners and their contributions is an
added attraction.
Historical Dictionary of Mongolia (Historical Dictionaries - download pdf or read online

By Alan J.K. Sanders
ISBN-10: 1538102269
ISBN-13: 9781538102268
Read e-book online Historical Dictionary of Poland 1945-1996 PDF

By Piotr Wróbel
ISBN-10: 1579580688
ISBN-13: 9781579580681
Get Historical Dictionary of the Democratic Republic of the PDF

By Emizet Francois Kisangani
ISBN-10: 1442273151
ISBN-13: 9781442273153
This fourth version of Historical Dictionary of the Democratic Republic of the Congo incorporates a chronology, an creation, appendixes, and an intensive bibliography. The dictionary part has over seven-hundred cross-referenced entries on vital personalities, politics, economic system, overseas family members, faith, and tradition. This publication is a wonderful entry aspect for college students, researchers, and someone eager to be aware of extra in regards to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.