By Julie Coleman
ISBN-10: 0199254702
ISBN-13: 9780199254705
During this era glossaries of cant have been thrown into the colour via dictionaries of slang, which now lined a huge spectrum of non-standard English, together with the language of thieves. Julie Coleman indicates how Francis Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue revolutionized the lexicography of the underworld. She explores the compilation and content material of the earliest Australian and American slang glossaries, whose authors integrated the thrice-transported James Hardy Vaux and the mythical George Matsell, ny City's first leader of police, whose The mystery Language of Crime: The Rogue's Lexicon knowledgeable the script of Martin Scorcese's movie Gangs of recent York.
Cant represented a tangible threat to lifestyles and estate, yet slang threatened to undermine sturdy behaviour and social morality. Julie Coleman indicates how and why they have been without delay repellent and seductive. Her attention-grabbing account casts clean gentle on language and existence in many of the darker areas of significant Britain and the English-speaking world.
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A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries: Volume II: 1785-1858: 2 by Julie Coleman
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