By Richard N. Bolles
ISBN-10: 039957963X
ISBN-13: 9780399579639
ISBN-10: 0399579648
ISBN-13: 9780399579646
ISBN-10: 1511311568
ISBN-13: 9781511311564
In state-of-the-art difficult job-market, the time-tested suggestion of What colour Is Your Parachute? is wanted greater than ever. fresh grads dealing with a difficult fiscal panorama, employees laid off mid-career, and other people looking for an inspiring work-life swap all glance to occupation guru Richard N. Bolles for help, encouragement, and recommendation on which job-hunt options work--and which do not. This revised version combines vintage components just like the famed Flower workout with up to date pointers on social media and seek strategies. Bolles demystifies the total job-search technique, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters towards their dream job.
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What Color Is Your Parachute? 2018: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard N. Bolles
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