Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge (Cultural by Gesa Mackenthun,Andrea Nicolas,Stephanie Wodianka PDF

By Gesa Mackenthun,Andrea Nicolas,Stephanie Wodianka

ISBN-10: 3830935676

ISBN-13: 9783830935674

Ever because the Gilgamesh epic and Homer's Odyssey, tales of shuttle and experience, no matter if 'fictional', 'factual', or a mixture of either, were an important to the collective self-definition of human societies. because the early smooth interval and the elevated frequency of cross-cultural encounters, the literary motif of the adventure grew to become an important aspect of colonial mind's eye. The ideology of event, an important to many works of literature, pervades Western discourses of financial enlargement and medical discovery, whereas anthropologists, looking to record indigenous tale traditions, encountered an oral archive now not in contrast to that in their personal. Travelistic texts (by 'culture heroes', explorers, colonial brokers, missionaries, clinical explorers, refugees, and international viewers) usually give you the semantic repertoire for descriptions of 'exotic' areas and populations. the information received via actual encounters in the course of trips to overseas lands usually capabilities to revise inherited principles approximately 'cultures' - these of others in addition to one's personal. the themes 'travel' and 'travel writing' for that reason invite us to deal with questions of reliability and verifiability.
This quantity brings jointly specialists from assorted disciplines and areas all over the world whose paintings is worried with the phenomenon and discourse of commute, transculturation, and the cross-cultural creation of data. The contributions mirror the hot shift in trip scholarship towards together with the learn of ideological conflicts inside of Europe's 'imperial gaze', in addition to makes an attempt at tracing the point of view of Europe's 'others', which regularly challenged colonial certainties and claims to highbrow supremacy.

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Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge (Cultural Encounters and the Discourses of Scholarship) (German Edition) by Gesa Mackenthun,Andrea Nicolas,Stephanie Wodianka

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