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By Bernadette Wegenstein

ISBN-10: 0262232677

ISBN-13: 9780262232678

ISBN-10: 0262529661

ISBN-13: 9780262529662

If the gaze should be understood to mark the disjuncture among how we see ourselves and the way we wish to be noticeable by means of others, the cosmetic gaze--in Bernadette Wegenstein's groundbreaking formulation--is one by which the act of taking a look at bodies and people of others is already proficient by means of the ideas, expectancies, and techniques (often surgical) of physically amendment. it really is, Wegenstein says, additionally a moralizing gaze, a manner of taking a look at our bodies as waiting for either actual and non secular development. within the Cosmetic Gaze, Wegenstein charts this synthesis of outer and internal transformation. Wegenstein indicates how the beauty gaze underlies the "rebirth" celebrated in state-of-the-art makeover tradition and the way it builds upon a physique idea that has collapsed into its mediality. In trendy good looks discourse--on truth television and sites that acquire "bad plastic surgery"--we yearn to event a bettered self that has been reborn from its personal flesh and is now itself, like a digitally remastered personality in a vintage Hollywood motion picture, immortal. Wegenstein strains the beauty gaze from eighteenth-century principles approximately physiognomy via tv makeover indicates and facial-recognition software program to cinema--which, like our different displays, by no means ceases to teach us bodies as they can be, drawing lifestyles from the very beauty gaze it transmits.

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The Cosmetic Gaze: Body Modification and the Construction of Beauty (MIT Press) by Bernadette Wegenstein

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