Read e-book online The Biological Chemistry - I PDF

By Ajit Pandya,Kavya Pandya

ISBN-10: 1536884499

ISBN-13: 9781536884494

what's Bio-chemistry?
Development Of Bio-chemistry
Applications of Bio-chemistry
Genetic Engineering
Chemical evolution
How the human evolved
Carbohydrates- structres & steriochemistry
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Amino acids
Amino acid constitution
Amino Acid Reactions
Amino acid/Protein metabolism
Lipids metabolism
Enzyme definition introductions
Enzyme motion
Identification and category
Chemical nature
Conditions of enzyme motion.
Prosthetic crew
Regulation of enzymatic task
Enzyme kinetics
Note-.Page numbers will not be in continuation yet begins from web page 1
Michaelis–Menten kinetics

Enzyme inhibition and activation

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The Biological Chemistry - I by Ajit Pandya,Kavya Pandya

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