Jeffrey R. Brown's Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 27 (National Bureau of PDF

By Jeffrey R. Brown

ISBN-10: 022609779X

ISBN-13: 9780226097794

Taxation coverage was once a crucial a part of the coverage debates over the “fiscal cliff.” Given the significance of financial matters, it will be significant for rigorous empirical study to notify the coverage dialogue.  in response to the NBER’s culture of undertaking rigorous yet policy-relevant study, quantity 27 of Tax coverage and the Economy bargains insights on a couple of key tax coverage questions.  This year's quantity beneficial properties six papers via top students who research the tax remedy of university at inner most K-12 colleges, the capability streamlining of the federal ideas for post-secondary monetary relief and using tax go back info during this strategy, the impression of tax and profit courses on incentives to paintings, the macroeconomic results of economic alterations, and the set of things that contributed to the weakening US financial outlook within the final decade.

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Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 27 (National Bureau of Economic Research Tax Policy and the Economy) by Jeffrey R. Brown

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