Krista Raisa's Starseed Survival: Ascension instructions, 9-D Channeling PDF

By Krista Raisa

ISBN-10: 1540860760

ISBN-13: 9781540860767

this isn't a fluffy Ascension e-book, like Santigold stated, "Brooklyn, we pass hard." As En Ra from Orion Council says, "to write is to regulate and to channel is to self-realign." either the non-public reviews and channeling transcripts in every one bankruptcy serve various lively reasons. Krista's most up-to-date paintings covers: therapeutic tales for self-love, cosmic and Earth directions, up to date psychic safeguard info and 9-dimensional templates. a mystical paintings written for celebrity humans, you will witness what is behind-the-scenes with new individuals of the council of sunshine in Betelgeuse. This used to be made with vulnerability from soul-expanding lessons.


-Akashic Records
-Barbara Brennan
-Dolores Cannon
-Central sun
-Ashayana Deane
-Down Syndrome
-Brian Fagan
-Galactic Federation & Templates
-Corey Goode
-Higher Self
-Jesus Christ
-Law of One
-Laws of the Spirit World
-Mira planet
-Mystery School
-Orion Council
-Arcturus RA
-Krista Raisa
-"Roberta", "Shelley", "Ebbie"
-Jane Roberts
-Spirit World
-Starring, You
-Toroidal field
& More

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Starseed Survival: Ascension instructions, 9-D Channeling codes and messages from Orion Council by Krista Raisa

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