By Frank N. Thomas
ISBN-10: 1461460514
ISBN-13: 9781461460510
ISBN-10: 1489986936
ISBN-13: 9781489986931
New information have come to gentle during the answer centred short remedy organization Archive (hereafter, the Archive). this knowledge is drawn from manuscripts and video that includes one of many SF founders, Insoo Kim Berg, MSW. Archive video examples of Ms. Berg conducting
supervision, treatment groups, and case session in addition to unpublished
manuscripts written by way of her offer precise possibilities to demonstrate particular assumptions and strategies hardly ever noticeable before.
The records define Ms. Berg’s philosophy, assumptions, and techniques
to behavior supervision, and the video clips supply in vivo examples of her supervision and team/case session style. jointly, the Archive fabrics supply a wealthy source for a booklet that either informs and illustrates SFS.
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Solution-Focused Supervision: A Resource-Oriented Approach to Developing Clinical Expertise by Frank N. Thomas
by Anthony