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By Rajeev Motwani,Prabhakar Raghavan

ISBN-10: 0521474655

ISBN-13: 9780521474658

ISBN-10: 0521613906

ISBN-13: 9780521613903

for plenty of purposes a randomized set of rules is both the easiest set of rules to be had, or the quickest, or either. This instructional offers the elemental ideas within the layout and research of randomized algorithms. the 1st a part of the e-book offers instruments from chance thought and probabilistic research which are recurrent in algorithmic functions. Algorithmic examples are given to demonstrate using each one instrument in a concrete atmosphere. within the moment a part of the ebook, all of the seven chapters makes a speciality of one very important region of program of randomized algorithms: information buildings; geometric algorithms; graph algorithms; quantity idea; enumeration; parallel algorithms; and online algorithms. A finished and consultant collection of the algorithms in those parts can be given. This publication may still end up important as a reference for researchers programmers, in addition to for students.

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Randomized Algorithms by Rajeev Motwani,Prabhakar Raghavan

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