By David Harper,Andrew R. Thompson
ISBN-10: 0470663707
ISBN-13: 9780470663707
ISBN-10: 0470663731
ISBN-13: 9780470663738
Chapters are written via major researchers and the editors are skilled qualitative researchers, medical running shoes, and psychological health and wellbeing practitioners
Provides chapter-by-chapter tips on accomplishing a qualitative learn from throughout more than a few approaches
Offers suggestions on the best way to overview and appraise present qualitative literature, tips to decide on the main applicable strategy, and the way to think about moral issues
Demonstrates how particular tools were utilized to questions in psychological overall healthiness research
Uses examples drawn from fresh examine, together with examine with provider clients, in psychological wellbeing and fitness perform and in psychotherapy
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Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health and Psychotherapy: A Guide for Students and Practitioners by David Harper,Andrew R. Thompson
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