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By Mary M Gergen,Kenneth J Gergen

ISBN-10: 159874545X

ISBN-13: 9781598745450

ISBN-10: 1598745468

ISBN-13: 9781598745467

Distilling many years of labor spanning their prestigious careers, Mary M. and Kenneth J. Gergen make a robust case for enriching the social sciences via performative paintings. They current a different exploration of the origins of performative social technology and supply an intellectually wealthy assessment of its importance within the box, in addition to its evolving capability. a lot of their very own functionality items are incorporated within the quantity. The authors envision a broadening of the social sciences, making it extra available to non-experts and beginning up new dialogues among society and science—and altering the realm within the approach. Social scientists and researchers will achieve a important new viewpoint from this insightful tome.

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Playing with Purpose: Adventures in Performative Social Science (Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives) by Mary M Gergen,Kenneth J Gergen

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