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By Gisèle Pickering,Stephen Gibson

ISBN-10: 3319120328

ISBN-13: 9783319120324

ISBN-10: 3319346008

ISBN-13: 9783319346007

This ebook specializes in the reciprocal interactions among discomfort, emotion and cognition. overseas specialists document on their findings, scientific adventure and the latest literature at the advanced relatives among those 3 domain names. scientific, mental, behavioral and neuroimaging techniques converge in the direction of supporting sufferers struggling with ache, cognitive impairment or emotional distress.

Beyond the pathophysiological facets of soreness, problems encountered with sufferers are analyzed and techniques are proposed to optimize remedy, doctor-patient relationships, and sufferer well-being.

This paintings will entice a vast readership, from scientific clinical practitioners to psychologists, nurses and ache specialists.

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Pain, Emotion and Cognition: A Complex Nexus by Gisèle Pickering,Stephen Gibson

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