M. Elizabeth Oates,Vincent L. Sorrell's Myocardial Perfusion Imaging - Beyond the Left Ventricle: PDF

By M. Elizabeth Oates,Vincent L. Sorrell

ISBN-10: 3319254340

ISBN-13: 9783319254340

This ebook will function a complete reference resource and self-assessment consultant for physicians and technologists who perform myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. Readers will learn how to determine a wide selection of findings except the left ventricle, together with these within the chest, the stomach, and the correct center. it's defined which findings are clinically appropriate and concerning the cause of the myocardial perfusion imaging exam and that are incidental, without or with vital scientific ramifications. The insurance contains a good selection of universal and unusual focal lesions (e.g., benign or malignant neoplasms) and organ/systemic ailments (e.g., emphysema, cirrhosis and its sequelae, cholecystitis, duodenogastric reflux/gastroparesis, end-stage renal affliction) which may be detected with myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. additionally, information is equipped within the attractiveness of ordinary artifacts, which can look both “hot” or “cold” at the uncooked (unprocessed) and processed SPECT photographs, and, thereby, within the avoidance of strength interpretative pitfalls.

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Myocardial Perfusion Imaging - Beyond the Left Ventricle: Pathology, Artifacts and Pitfalls in the Chest and Abdomen by M. Elizabeth Oates,Vincent L. Sorrell

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