Robert R. Hoffman,Daphne S. LaDue,H. Michael Mogil,Paul J.'s Minding the Weather: How Expert Forecasters Think (MIT PDF

By Robert R. Hoffman,Daphne S. LaDue,H. Michael Mogil,Paul J. Roebber,J. Gregory Trafton

ISBN-10: 0262036061

ISBN-13: 9780262036061

This publication argues that the human cognition method is the least understood, but most likely most crucial, section of forecasting accuracy. Minding the Weather investigates how humans collect tremendous and hugely prepared wisdom and boost the reasoning abilities and methods that allow them to accomplish the top degrees of functionality. The authors contemplate such issues because the forecasting office; atmospheric scientists' descriptions in their reasoning concepts; the character of workmanship; forecaster wisdom, perceptual talents, and reasoning; and professional structures designed to mimic forecaster reasoning. Drawing on learn in cognitive technological know-how, meteorology, and machine technology, the authors argue that forecasting comprises an interdependence of people and applied sciences. Human services will continually be necessary.

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Minding the Weather: How Expert Forecasters Think (MIT Press) by Robert R. Hoffman,Daphne S. LaDue,H. Michael Mogil,Paul J. Roebber,J. Gregory Trafton

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