New PDF release: LEGO Studies: Examining the Building Blocks of a Transmedial

By Mark J.P. Wolf

ISBN-10: 041572287X

ISBN-13: 9780415722872

ISBN-10: 0415722918

ISBN-13: 9780415722919

Since the "Automatic Binding Bricks" that LEGO produced in 1949, and the LEGO "System of Play" that begun with the discharge of city Plan No. 1 (1955), LEGO bricks have long gone directly to develop into a world phenomenon, and the favourite construction toy of youngsters, in addition to many an AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO). LEGO has additionally turn into a medium into which a large variety of media franchises, together with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman, Superman, Lord of the Rings, and others, have tailored their characters, automobiles, props, and settings. The LEGO crew itself has develop into a multimedia empire, together with LEGO books, videos, tv exhibits, games, board video games, comedian books, subject parks, magazines, or even MMORPGs.

LEGO stories: analyzing the development Blocks of a Transmedial Phenomenon is the 1st assortment to check LEGO as either a medium into which different franchises could be tailored and a transmedial franchise of its personal. even though every one essay seems to be at a specific element of the LEGO phenomenon, themes similar to edition, illustration, paratexts, franchises, and interactivity intersect all through those essays, offering that the examine of LEGO as a medium and a media empire is a wealthy vein slightly touched upon in Media Studies.

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LEGO Studies: Examining the Building Blocks of a Transmedial Phenomenon by Mark J.P. Wolf

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