New PDF release: Introduction to Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Their

By Xiaoping Xu

ISBN-10: 0792352424

ISBN-13: 9780792352426

ISBN-10: 9048150965

ISBN-13: 9789048150960

This ebook provides a scientific learn at the buildings of vertex operator superalgebras and their modules. similar theories of self-dual codes and lattices are incorporated, in addition to fresh achievements on classifications of definite uncomplicated vertex operator superalgebras and their irreducible twisted modules, buildings of easy vertex operator superalgebras from graded associative algebras and their anti-involutions, self-dual codes and lattices.
Audience: This e-book is of curiosity to researchers and graduate scholars in arithmetic and mathematical physics.

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Introduction to Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Their Modules (Mathematics and Its Applications) by Xiaoping Xu

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