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By Anne G. Osborn,Kathleen B. Digre

ISBN-10: 0323447813

ISBN-13: 9780323447812

Written by way of popular leaders in neuroradiology and neurology, this specified reference is a high-level imaging source excellent for today’s medical neurologist or neuroscientist. utilizing ordinary, jargon-free prose, this ebook presents an summary of neurological problems coupled with usual imaging findings — all designed to be used on the aspect of care. you may be expertly guided all through, from radiologic visual appeal and the importance of the imaging findings to the following acceptable steps in potent sufferer care.

  • Discusses radiologic appearances of universal neurological diseases, their importance, and the subsequent steps in sufferer care in a transparent demeanour ideally suited for neurologists or neuroscientists
  • Provides high-level information from either a neuroradiologist and a neurologist, making it a balanced and applicable medical reference for day by day neurology practice
  • Covers imaging in stroke, infectious illness, mind malformations, tumors, and more
  • Keeps you recent with unusual rising neurologic disorders, similar to Susac syndrome, West Nile Virus, and IRIS

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Imaging in Neurology E-Book by Anne G. Osborn,Kathleen B. Digre

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