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By Felix, Elix, John A. Schumm

This e-book comprises pictures of a range of general Australasianlichens, lots of that have been dispensed within the LICHENES AUS-TRALASICI EXSICCATI (issued via J.A. Elix 1982-1994) in addition to someadditional species. as well as the final pictures, pictures ofselected stained and unstained sections, spores and HPTLC-plates areincluded. The target used to be to make pictures of those lichenological treas-ures to be had to a much wider circle of humans. we are hoping that theimages will supplement the literature and reduction within the choice ofAustralasian lichen species.

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Images from Lichenes Australasici Exsiccati and of other characteristic Australasian Lichens. Volume Two by Felix, Elix, John A. Schumm

by John

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