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By Hugh Foot

ISBN-10: 1138525537

ISBN-13: 9781138525535

ISBN-10: 1560008377

ISBN-13: 9781560008378

Humor and laughter play an essential component in our daily social encounters. This ebook is anxious with the exploration of the psychology of humor and laughter by means of the major expert researchers in those parts. It examines the foremost theoretical views underlying present techniques and it attracts jointly for the 1st time the most empirical paintings performed over the process this century. Peter Berks brings this tale as much as the moment.The significant components of the e-book take care of notion of and responses to humor, and its makes use of in society at huge. The chapters themselves variety from cognitive points of humor improvement, during the services of humor and laughter in social interplay, to using humor via comedians and by way of the mass media. one of many common beneficial properties of the amount is the fear with the diversity of recommendations and study equipment that are utilized in reports aimed toward figuring out our responsiveness to humor and the contexts within which we create it.Humor and Laughter includes chapters by way of psychologists with longstanding learn pursuits in humor and laughter, together with Thomas R. Shultz, Mary ok. Rothbart, Goran Nerhardt, Michael Godkewitsch, Walter E. O'Connell, and Harvey Mindess. Humor and Laughter provides wide-ranging theoretical, methodological, and empirical views on a major quarter of human habit and social interplay. This e-book may still curiosity many behavioral scientists and practitioners, really these in social and scientific psychology, psychiatry, baby psychology and schooling, sociology, and comparable disciplines.

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Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications by Hugh Foot

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