By Jane D. McLeod,Edward J. Lawler,Michael Schwalbe
ISBN-10: 9401773483
ISBN-13: 9789401773485
ISBN-10: 9401790019
ISBN-13: 9789401790017
This quantity presents the 1st accomplished evaluation of social mental examine on inequality for a graduate pupil viewers. Drawing on the entire significant theoretical traditions in sociological social psychology, its chapters display the relevance of social mental strategies to this significant sociological drawback. every one bankruptcy within the quantity has a different substantial concentration, however the chapters also will percentage universal emphases on: • the original contributions of sociological social psychology • The ancient roots of social mental strategies and theories in vintage sociological writings • The complementary and conflicting insights that derive from various social mental traditions in sociology. This guide is of curiosity to graduate scholars getting ready for careers in social psychology or in inequality, specialist sociologists and university/college libraries.
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Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research) by Jane D. McLeod,Edward J. Lawler,Michael Schwalbe
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