New PDF release: Handbook of Self-Regulation

By Monique Boekaerts,Paul R Pintrich,Moshe Zeidner

ISBN-10: 0121098907

ISBN-13: 9780121098902

ISBN-10: 0123695198

ISBN-13: 9780123695192

The instruction manual of Self-Regulation represents state of the art assurance of the most recent conception, learn, and advancements in purposes of self-regulation study. Chapters are of curiosity to psychologists attracted to the improvement and operation of self-regulation in addition to functions to wellbeing and fitness, organizational, medical, and academic psychology.This booklet pulls jointly conception, learn, and functions within the self-regulation area and offers large insurance of conceptual, methodological, and remedy concerns. In view of the burgeoning curiosity and big examine on a variety of points of self-regulation, the time turns out ripe for this guide, geared toward reflecting the present kingdom of the sector. The aim is to supply researchers, scholars, and clinicians within the box with massive state of the art overviews, reports, and reflections at the conceptual and methodological matters and complexities specific to self-regulation research.

  • Coverage of cutting-edge in self-regulation examine from diverse perspectives
  • Application of self-regulation study to future health, medical, organizational, and academic psychology
  • Brings jointly in a single quantity learn on self-regulation in numerous subdisciplines
  • Most complete and penetrating compendium of data on self-regulation from multi-disciplinary perspectives

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Handbook of Self-Regulation by Monique Boekaerts,Paul R Pintrich,Moshe Zeidner

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