Read e-book online Discrete Mathematics (Universitext) PDF

By Jean Gallier

ISBN-10: 1441980466

ISBN-13: 9781441980465

This books provides an creation to discrete arithmetic for starting undergraduates. one in all unique positive factors of this ebook is that it starts with a presentation of the foundations of common sense as utilized in arithmetic. Many examples of formal and casual proofs are given. With this logical framework firmly in position, the ebook describes the main axioms of set conception and introduces the typical numbers. the remainder of the ebook is extra commonplace. It offers with services and family, directed and undirected graphs, and an advent to combinatorics. there's a part on public key cryptography and RSA, with whole proofs of Fermat's little theorem and the correctness of the RSA scheme, in addition to specific algorithms to accomplish modular mathematics. The final bankruptcy offers extra graph conception. Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles are mentioned. Then, we examine flows and tensions and country and turn out the max stream min-cut theorem. We additionally speak about matchings, masking, bipartite graphs.

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Discrete Mathematics (Universitext) by Jean Gallier

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