Download e-book for kindle: Developing and Validating Multiple-choice Test Items by Thomas M. Haladyna

By Thomas M. Haladyna

ISBN-10: 0805831479

ISBN-13: 9780805831474

ISBN-10: 1138967475

ISBN-13: 9781138967472

This booklet is meant for an individual who's heavily drawn to designing and validating multiple-choice try goods that degree knowing and the applying of information and talents to advanced occasions, reminiscent of severe considering and challenge fixing. the main accomplished and authoritative ebook in its box, this variation has been commonly revised to include:
*more information regarding writing goods that fit content material standards;
*more information regarding growing merchandise swimming pools and merchandise banking;
*a new set of item-writing principles (with examples) in bankruptcy five, in addition to guidance for different multiple-choice formats;
*hundreds of examples together with an improved bankruptcy four dedicated to exemplary merchandise codecs and a brand new bankruptcy 6 containing exemplary goods (with writer annotations);
*a bankruptcy on merchandise iteration (chapter 7) that includes merchandise modeling and different techniques that accelerate merchandise improvement; and
*a extra large set of references to previous and present paintings within the sector of multiple-choice merchandise writing and validation.

This publication should be of curiosity to somebody who develops try out goods for large-scale tests, in addition to academics and graduate scholars who hope the main entire and authoritative info at the layout and validation of multiple-choice try out items.

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Developing and Validating Multiple-choice Test Items by Thomas M. Haladyna

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