Download PDF by Gianluca Baldassarre,Marco Mirolli: Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical

By Gianluca Baldassarre,Marco Mirolli

ISBN-10: 364239874X

ISBN-13: 9783642398742

ISBN-10: 3662514028

ISBN-13: 9783662514023

Current robots and different man made platforms are usually in a position to accomplish just one unmarried job. Overcoming this drawback calls for the advance of regulate architectures and studying algorithms which can aid the purchase and deployment of a number of varied talents, which in flip turns out to require a modular and hierarchical association. during this manner, various modules can collect diverse abilities with no catastrophic interference, and higher-level parts of the procedure can clear up advanced projects by way of exploiting the abilities encapsulated within the lower-level modules. whereas computer studying and robotics realize the basic significance of the hierarchical association of habit for construction robots that scale as much as remedy complicated initiatives, study in psychology and neuroscience indicates expanding proof that modularity and hierarchy are pivotal association ideas of habit and of the mind. they could even bring about the cumulative acquisition of an ever-increasing variety of abilities, which appears to be like a attribute of mammals, and people in particular.

This e-book is a complete evaluation of the cutting-edge at the modeling of the hierarchical association of habit in animals, and on its exploitation in robotic controllers. The ebook point of view is very interdisciplinary, that includes versions belonging to all correct parts, together with desktop studying, robotics, neural networks, and computational modeling in psychology and neuroscience. The ebook chapters assessment the authors' most modern contributions to the research of hierarchical habit, and spotlight the open questions and such a lot promising study instructions. because the contributing authors are one of the pioneers undertaking primary paintings in this subject, the e-book covers crucial and topical concerns within the box from a computationally expert, theoretically orientated point of view. The ebook might be of gain to educational and business researchers and graduate scholars in comparable disciplines.

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Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of Behavior by Gianluca Baldassarre,Marco Mirolli

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