Download PDF by K.H. Lagattuta: Children and Emotion (Contributions to Human Development)

By K.H. Lagattuta

ISBN-10: 3318024880

ISBN-13: 9783318024883

This book brings jointly prime emotion researchers whose paintings has pioneered new questions, tools, and degrees of analyses for investigating improvement and person ameliorations in how babies and youngsters attend to, categorize, comprehend, discuss, and keep watch over feelings. themes contain boy or girl cognizance and processing of feelings, developmental affective psychophysiology, feelings in maltreated youngsters, awareness biases and anxiousness, emotional competence and social interactions, cultural changes in emotion socialization, gender and parent-child reminiscing approximately emotional occasions, relations emotion conversations and socio-cognitive improvement, and causal reasoning approximately feelings. those contributions lay a starting place for brand spanking new clinical discoveries in developmental affective technology, and so they tell evidence-based practices and interventions aimed toward selling children’s emotional wellness. Given the centrality of feelings to children’s improvement, this quantity offers a helpful source for developmental researchers and clinicians, in addition to for fogeys, educators, and coverage makers.

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Children and Emotion (Contributions to Human Development) by K.H. Lagattuta

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