By Steve Asikin
ISBN-10: 1495463028
ISBN-13: 9781495463020
On the opposite, the monetary figures will be deliberate forward via Calculus & Analytic Geometry, as much as 13-26 (thirteen to 20 six) standards because the blue-print alongside its building administration. (The Leibnitz and Newton’s Calculus, begin built two hundred years after finishing touch of Paccioli’s Accounting Math’s Dual-entries’ Polynomials & set of rules hyperlinks of finance optimization).
Employing their Calculus and Analytic-geometries on present desktop networks, had confirmed capable for MC, MR, AVC, AC, TC, BEP, SDP, EOQ, MRP, ROP, EPS, EVA as high-tech entries to Paccioli’s Debit and credit. it's proven that Nestle, Cisco and Top-9 Forbes organisations 2013, may immediately get Operation Research’s optimal outcome on their IFRS and GAAP Balance-sheet & Income-statements, always adjusted alongside the operation’s yr, as:
(Dr) price= FC+VC= ou^3+nu^2+mu+F
at (3ou^2+2nu+m= k+2wu)
(Cr) financial institution at Xc+360G/V-360J/S-360P/V
of (R/W= ROA & R/E= ROE)
The functional merits of this examine file are to make all massive agencies’ monetary reports:
(a)Planned-accurately as blue-print sooner than the operations,
(b)The finance-director can have the flight plan and regulate the deviation speedy at its very early level,
(c)Operation-research & Managerial-accounting optimization may possibly continually be supplied prior to &during operations,
(d)Public-investors and share-holder’s assembly may well guarantee the monetary ratio end result at greatest five% deviations,
(e)Economic turbulence will provide much-less surprise.
On the opposite aspect, the theoretical advantages of this learn are:
(a)To-join again the accounting to its Paccioli’s analytic-calculus,
(b)To make the most of Leibnitz-Newton’s geometry for greater sustainable finance,
(c)To computerize the entire inter-connected twin entries T-accounts and decreasing the entire human blunders.
Calculus Analytic Geometry Leibnitz Newton Paccioli’s Math-Fin
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Calculus Accountancy by Steve Asikin
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