Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Autoethnography by Tami Spry PDF

By Tami Spry

ISBN-10: 1598744860

ISBN-13: 9781598744866

ISBN-10: 1598744879

ISBN-13: 9781598744873

Tami Spry offers a methodological advent to the budding box of performative autoethnography. She intertwines 3 helpful components comprising the method. First one needs to comprehend the physique – navigating ideas of self, tradition, language, category, race, gender, and physicality. the second one activity is to place that physique at the web page, assigning phrases for that body’s sociocultural reports. eventually, this merger of physique and paper is lifted as much as the degree, crafting a personality as a style of private inquiry. those 3 phases are simultaneous and interdependent, and simply in cultivating all 3 does functionality autoethnography start to take form. Replete with examples and routines, this can be an enormous introductory paintings for autoethnographers and function artists alike.

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Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Autoethnography (Qualitative Inquiry and Social Justice) by Tami Spry

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