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By Martin Charles Golumbic

ISBN-10: 0444515305

ISBN-13: 9780444515308

Algorithmic Graph conception and ideal Graphs, first released in 1980, has develop into the vintage creation to the sphere. This new Annals version keeps to express the message that intersection graph types are an important and critical device for fixing real-world difficulties. It is still a stepping stone from which the reader may well embark on one of the interesting examine trails.

The earlier two decades were an amazingly fruitful interval of study in algorithmic graph conception and dependent households of graphs. in particular vital were the idea and purposes of recent intersection graph versions corresponding to generalizations of permutation graphs and period graphs. those have bring about new households of ideal graphs and lots of algorithmic effects. those are surveyed within the new Epilogue bankruptcy during this moment edition.

·New variation of the "Classic" publication at the topic
·Wonderful advent to a wealthy learn area
·Leading writer within the box of algorithmic graph theory
·Beautifully written for the recent mathematician or computing device scientist
·Comprehensive treatment

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Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs (Annals of Discrete Mathematics) by Martin Charles Golumbic

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