A First Course in Factor Analysis - download pdf or read online

By Andrew L. Comrey,Howard B. Lee

ISBN-10: 0805810625

ISBN-13: 9780805810622

ISBN-10: 1138965456

ISBN-13: 9781138965454

The objective of this e-book is to foster a easy figuring out of issue analytic concepts in order that readers can use them of their personal study and significantly evaluation their use by means of different researchers. either the underlying idea and proper program are emphasised. the speculation is gifted in the course of the mathematical foundation of the most typical issue analytic versions and several other tools utilized in issue research. at the program facet, substantial realization is given to the extraction challenge, the rotation challenge, and the translation of issue analytic effects. for this reason, readers are given a historical past of realizing within the the speculation underlying issue research after which taken throughout the steps in executing a formal research -- from the preliminary challenge of layout via collection of correlation coefficient, issue extraction, issue rotation, issue interpretation, and writing up effects.

This revised variation comprises introductions to more recent tools -- akin to confirmatory issue research and structural equation modeling -- that experience revolutionized issue research lately. to assist eliminate the various secret underlying those more recent, extra complicated tools, the introductory examples make the most of EQS and LISREL. up-to-date fabric in terms of the validation of the Comrey character Scales additionally has been extra. eventually, application disks for working issue analyses on both an IBM-compatible laptop or a mainframe with FORTRAN functions can be found. The meant viewers for this quantity contains gifted yet mathematically unsophisticated complex undergraduates, graduate scholars, and learn staff trying to collect a simple realizing of the rules assisting issue research.

Disks come in 5.25" and 3.5" codecs for either mainframe courses written in Fortran and IBM computers and compatibles operating a math co-processor.

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A First Course in Factor Analysis by Andrew L. Comrey,Howard B. Lee

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