By Nigel West
ISBN-10: 081085578X
ISBN-13: 9780810855786
Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence: 2 - download pdf or read online

By Michael A. Turner
ISBN-10: 0810878895
ISBN-13: 9780810878891
Download e-book for kindle: Historical Dictionary of American Cinema (Historical by Keith M. Booker

By Keith M. Booker
ISBN-10: 0810871920
ISBN-13: 9780810871922
Historical Dictionary of yank Cinema presents vast insurance of the folk, movies, businesses, suggestions, issues, and genres that experience made American cinema this type of very important a part of global cinema. this is often performed via a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries. This ebook is a superb entry element for college kids, researchers, and a person desirous to be aware of extra concerning the heritage of yank Cinema.
Historical Dictionary of Atomic Espionage (Historical by Glenmore S. Trenear-Harvey PDF

By Glenmore S. Trenear-Harvey
ISBN-10: 0810871807
ISBN-13: 9780810871809
Historical Dictionary of Atomic Espionage relates the historical past of atomic espionage via a chronology, an introductory essay, and cross-referenced dictionary entries at the organisations, brokers, and operations. This booklet is a superb entry aspect for college kids, researchers, and somebody desirous to comprehend extra approximately atomic espionage.
Reise Know-How Sprachführer Kapverdisch (Kiriolu) - Wort für by Nicolas Quint PDF

By Nicolas Quint
ISBN-10: 3831765081
ISBN-13: 9783831765089
Kauderwelsch Sprachführer bieten einen schnellen Einstieg in fremde Sprachen und vermitteln Wissenswertes über Land und Leute.
Alle fremdsprachigen Sätze im Buch werden zusätzlich zur sinngemäßen Übersetzung ins Deutsche auch einmal Wort für Wort übersetzt. Dadurch wird das Verständnis für die fremde Sprache erleichtert, und einzelne Wörter lassen sich schnell austauschen. Die Grammatik wird kurz und verständlich erklärt, soweit es für einen einfachen Sprachgebrauch nötig ist. Das Wörterbuch am Ende hält einen Grundwortschatz und wichtige Begriffe für Reisende bereit.
Kauderwelsch-Bücher sind viel mehr als übliche Reisesprachführer. Ziel ist es, schon nach kurzer Zeit tatsächlich sprechen zu können, wenn auch nicht immer druckreif.
Kauderwelsch Sprachführer von Reise information: handlich, alltagstauglich, für über one hundred fifty Sprachen.
Download e-book for kindle: Dictionary of Indology: Detailed description of indian by Dr. Vishnulok Bihari Srivastava

By Dr. Vishnulok Bihari Srivastava
Dictionary of Indology provides the heritage of Indian Scriptures, Language, Literature and arts in all of the types, colors and dimensions; now not graphically yet alphabetically; from the main primitive time to the new prior; via specific description of and references to, just about all the books on hand and the authors recognized in either Vedic and Laukika Samskrit. It bargains more often than not with the proof yet a few serious perception is usually given anyplace wanted or invaluable. this type of convenient booklet was once the necessity of the time as such a lot folks are unexpected with many of the stupendous works by way of highbrow doyens. A familiarity and affection will immediately develop, with the intention to convey the readers with reference to the richest and widest variety of illuminating items of elegant minds.
Read e-book online Vocabulário Português-Norueguês - 9000 palavras mais úteis PDF

By Andrey Taranov
ISBN-10: 1784920312
ISBN-13: 9781784920319
Esta edição revista (Português de Portugal, 03.2014) contém 256 tópicos, incluindo: Conceitos básicos, Números, Unidades de medida, Os verbos mais importantes, pace, Calendário, Dia e noite, Meses, Estações do Ano, Viagens, Turismo, Cidade, Compras, Roupas & Acessórios, Cosméticos, Telefone, Conversação telefónica, Línguas estrangeiras, Refeições, Restaurante, Membros da família, Corpo humano, Medicina, Mobiliário, Eletrodomésticos, Terra, pace, Catástrofes naturais, Fauna, Animais selvagens, Países do mundo, e muito mais ...
CARACTERÍSTICAS ESPECIAIS dos vocabulários bilingues da T&P Books: As palavras estão organizadas de acordo com o seu significado, e não por ordem alfabética. O conteúdo é apresentado em três colunas para facilitar os processos de revisão e auto-teste. Cada tema é composto por pequenos blocos de unidades léxicas similares. O vocabulário disponibiliza uma transcrição adequada e simples para cada palavra estrangeira.
CASO TENHA alguma dúvida, sugestão ou comentário, por prefer entre em contacto connosco: admin@tpbooks.com.
Dicionário Porto Editora da Língua Portuguesa (Portuguese - download pdf or read online

By Porto Editora
ISBN-10: 9720053518
ISBN-13: 9789720053510
• Mais de 140.000 definições e 70.000 entradas que incluem sinônimos, antônimos, locuções e expressões idiomáticas.
• Reconhecimento de 1.115.000 formas flexionadas de verbos, substantivos e adjetivos.
• Cobertura das grafias anteriores e posteriores ao Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa.
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*Totalmente compatível com o Kindle Paperwhite, o Kindle (4ª geração), o Kindle Keyboard (3ª geração), o Kindle contact, o Kindle (2ª geração) e com os modelos Kindle DX. A pesquisa por entradas é suportada pelo Kindle hearth e pelos aplicativos Kindle, mas a funcionalidade de dicionário padrão não é suportada.
This Kindle default dictionary* allows you to lookup phrases in Portuguese and get fast definitions with out interrupting your studying event. Written in Brazilian Portuguese with eu Portuguese insurance, the Dicionário Porto Editora da Língua Portuguesa bargains:
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Download e-book for kindle: Historical Dictionary of the Korean War (Historical by Paul M. Edwards

By Paul M. Edwards
ISBN-10: 0810867737
ISBN-13: 9780810867734
Historical Dictionary of the Korean War, now in its moment variation, does a lot to jolt our reminiscence and tell us concerning the struggle. this is often performed first in a long chronology, monitoring the struggle but additionally the trail to battle and what occurred after. The advent covers the struggle as an entire, attempting to make experience of it. The dictionary part presents all the invaluable information on major individuals, locations and occasions, battles and different engagements, army devices and fabric, in addition to the political, fiscal and social historical past. There also are maps and an inventory of acronyms. this is often relatively the suitable resource for info, as well as which, it additionally has an in depth bibliography.
Download PDF by Marjorie Tallman: Dictionary of Civics and Government

By Marjorie Tallman
ISBN-10: 0806529865
ISBN-13: 9780806529868